New Paintings in our Collection 225

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Venus, 1532 by Lucas Cranach | Giclée Art Print

Venus 1532

Lucas Cranach the Elder
Giclée Canvas Print
SKU: 14073-CLE
Original Size:37.7 x 24.5 cm
Stadel Museum Frankfurt Germany

Adam and Eve, 1526 by Lucas Cranach | Giclée Art Print
SKU: 14072-CLE
Original Size:117 x 80 cm
Courtauld Institute of Art London United Kingdom

Christ, n.d. by Lucas Cranach | Giclée Art Print

Christ n.d.

Lucas Cranach the Elder
Giclée Canvas Print
SKU: 14071-CLE
Original Size:26.7 x 17.5 cm
Private Collection

Portrait of Johann Friedrich the Magnanimous, 1509 by Lucas Cranach | Giclée Art Print
SKU: 14070-CLE
Original Size:42 x 31.2 cm
National Gallery London United Kingdom

Lucretia, a.1537 by Lucas Cranach | Giclée Art Print

Lucretia a.1537

Lucas Cranach the Elder
Giclée Canvas Print
SKU: 14069-CLE
Original Size:unknown
Private Collection

Lucretia, n.d. by Lucas Cranach | Giclée Art Print

Lucretia n.d.

Lucas Cranach the Elder
Giclée Canvas Print
SKU: 14068-CLE
Original Size:56.5 x 39.3 cm
Private Collection

Young Mother with Child (Penance of St. John Chrysostom), 1525 by Lucas Cranach | Giclée Art Print
SKU: 14067-CLE
Original Size:60 x 37 cm
Public Collection

Portrait of Johann the Steadfast, 1509 by Lucas Cranach | Giclée Art Print
SKU: 14066-CLE
Original Size:41.3 x 31 cm
National Gallery London United Kingdom

Portrait of Martin Luther, Aged 43, 1525 by Lucas Cranach | Giclée Art Print
SKU: 14065-CLE
Original Size:unknown
National Museum Stockholm Sweden

Portrait of a Woman, 1526 by Lucas Cranach | Giclée Art Print
SKU: 14064-CLE
Original Size:88.5 x 58.5 cm
The State Hermitage Museum St. Petersburg Russia

Portrait of Martin Luther, 1525 by Lucas Cranach | Giclée Art Print
SKU: 14063-CLE
Original Size:40 x 26.6 cm
Bristol City Museum and Art Gallery Bristol United Kingdom

The Ill-Matched Couple, 1522 by Lucas Cranach | Giclée Art Print
SKU: 14062-CLE
Original Size:unknown
Museum of Fine Arts Budapest Hungary

The Virgin and Child under an Apple Tree, c.1520/26 by Lucas Cranach | Giclée Art Print
SKU: 14061-CLE
Original Size:87 x 59 cm
The State Hermitage Museum St. Petersburg Russia

The Adoration of the Kings, n.d. by Lucas Cranach | Giclée Art Print
SKU: 14060-CLE
Original Size:39.5 x 27.5 cm
Private Collection

Wife of Dr. Johann Reuss, 1503 by Lucas Cranach | Giclée Art Print
SKU: 14059-CLE
Original Size:52.5 x 36.5 cm
Gemaldegalerie Berlin Germany

Melancholy, 1532 by Lucas Cranach | Giclée Art Print

Melancholy 1532

Lucas Cranach the Elder
Giclée Canvas Print
SKU: 14058-CLE
Original Size:unknown
Musee d'Unterlinden Colmar France

Judgment of Paris, 1530 by Lucas Cranach | Giclée Art Print
SKU: 14057-CLE
Original Size:50.8 x 36.4 cm
Saint Louis Art Museum Missouri USA

A Faun and His Family with a Slain Lion, c.1526 by Lucas Cranach | Giclée Art Print
SKU: 14056-CLE
Original Size:83 x 56.2 cm
J. Paul Getty Museum Los Angeles USA

Judith with the Head of Holofernes, c.1537/40 by Lucas Cranach | Giclée Art Print
SKU: 14055-CLE
Original Size:80 x 55.6 cm
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco California USA

Saint Christopher, 1518/20 by Lucas Cranach | Giclée Art Print
SKU: 14054-CLE
Original Size:42 x 28 cm
Detroit Institute of Arts Michigan USA

Hunting near Hartenfels Castle, 1540 by Lucas Cranach | Giclée Art Print
SKU: 14053-CLE
Original Size:116.8 x 170.2 cm
Cleveland Museum of Art Ohio USA

St. George Slaying the Dragon, c.1510/15 by Lucas Cranach | Giclée Art Print
SKU: 14052-CLE
Original Size:16.3 x 12.7 cm
Cleveland Museum of Art Ohio USA

A Tournament Scene, 1509 by Lucas Cranach | Giclée Art Print
SKU: 14051-CLE
Original Size:29 x 41.6 cm
Cleveland Museum of Art Ohio USA

Portrait of a Scholar, c.1515 by Lucas Cranach | Giclée Art Print
SKU: 14050-CLE
Original Size:40.6 x 26.4 cm
Lowe Art Museum at University of Miami Florida USA
