New Paintings in our Collection 265

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Still Life with Flowers, n.d. by Jan van Huysum | Giclée Art Print
SKU: 13079-HUY
Original Size:63 x 50 cm
Galleria degli Uffizi Florence Italy

Vase of Flowers in a Niche, c.1725/35 by Jan van Huysum | Giclée Art Print
SKU: 13078-HUY
Original Size:80 x 61 cm
Louvre Museum Paris France

Still Life with Flowers and Fruits, 1749 by Jan van Huysum | Giclée Art Print
SKU: 13077-HUY
Original Size:66.5 x 52 cm
Rijksmuseum Amsterdam Netherlands

Vase with Flowers on a Socle, n.d. by Jan van Huysum | Giclée Art Print
SKU: 13076-HUY
Original Size:unknown
Petit Palais Musee des Beaux Arts Paris France

Still Life with Flowers and Fruit, n.d. by Jan van Huysum | Giclée Art Print
SKU: 13075-HUY
Original Size:81 x 61 cm
Rijksmuseum Amsterdam Netherlands

Still Life with Flowers and Animals, 1670 by Abraham Mignon | Giclée Art Print
SKU: 13074-MIG
Original Size:101 x 83 cm
National Museum Warsaw Poland

Still Life with Fruit and a Goldfinch, 1679 by Abraham Mignon | Giclée Art Print
SKU: 13073-MIG
Original Size:78 x 67 cm
Rijksmuseum Amsterdam Netherlands

Summer Flowers, c.1660/80 by Abraham Mignon | Giclée Art Print

Summer Flowers c.1660/80

Abraham Mignon
Giclée Canvas Print
SKU: 13072-MIG
Original Size:90 x 72.5 cm
Mauritshuis Royal Picture Gallery The Hague Netherlands

Still Life with Flowers and Fruit, c.1660/80 by Abraham Mignon | Giclée Art Print
SKU: 13071-MIG
Original Size:75 x 63 cm
Mauritshuis Royal Picture Gallery The Hague Netherlands

Still Life with a Hoopoe, n.d. by Abraham Mignon | Giclée Art Print
SKU: 13070-MIG
Original Size:39 x 31.5 cm
Private Collection

A Still Life of Fish and Fishing Tackle, n.d. by Abraham Mignon | Giclée Art Print
SKU: 13069-MIG
Original Size:74.5 x 61 cm
Private Collection

Still Life of a Forest Floor, n.d. by Abraham Mignon | Giclée Art Print
SKU: 13068-MIG
Original Size:61 x 51 cm
Private Collection

Still Life of Flowers on a Ledge, n.d. by Abraham Mignon | Giclée Art Print
SKU: 13067-MIG
Original Size:unknown
Private Collection

Woodland Still Life, n.d. by Abraham Mignon | Giclée Art Print

Woodland Still Life n.d.

Abraham Mignon
Giclée Canvas Print
SKU: 13066-MIG
Original Size:62 x 48.9 cm
Smith College Museum of Art Northampton USA

Ta Matete (We Shall Not Go to Market Today), 1892 by Gauguin | Giclée Art Print
SKU: 13065-GAP
Original Size:73 x 92 cm
Kunstmuseum Basel Switzerland

The Bacchante, 1862 by Bouguereau | Giclée Art Print
SKU: 13064-BWA
Original Size:unknown
Musee des Beaux Arts Bordeaux France

Apatarao, 1893 by Gauguin | Giclée Art Print

Apatarao 1893

Paul Gauguin
Giclée Canvas Print
SKU: 13063-GAP
Original Size:49 x 54 cm
New Carlsberg Glyptotek Copenhagen Denmark

Ointment of David, c.1555/60 by Veronese | Giclée Art Print
SKU: 13062-VPC
Original Size:173 x 364 cm
Kunsthistorisches Museum Vienna Austria

Yacht Basin at Trouville-Deauville, c.1895/96 by Eugene Boudin | Giclée Art Print
SKU: 13061-EBU
Original Size:45.8 x 37.1 cm
National Gallery of Art Washington USA

The Meal, Bananas, 1891 by Gauguin | Giclée Art Print

The Meal, Bananas 1891

Paul Gauguin
Giclée Canvas Print
SKU: 13060-GAP
Original Size:73 x 92 cm
Musee d'Orsay Paris France

The Man with an Axe, 1891 by Gauguin | Giclée Art Print

The Man with an Axe 1891

Paul Gauguin
Giclée Canvas Print
SKU: 13059-GAP
Original Size:92 x 70 cm
Private Collection

Still Life with Fruits, 1888 by Gauguin | Giclée Art Print

Still Life with Fruits 1888

Paul Gauguin
Giclée Canvas Print
SKU: 13058-GAP
Original Size:43 x 58 cm
Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts Moscow Russia

The Pool, Martinique, 1887 by Gauguin | Giclée Art Print

The Pool, Martinique 1887

Paul Gauguin
Giclée Canvas Print
SKU: 13057-GAP
Original Size:90 x 116 cm
Neue Pinakothek Munich Germany

Red Hills with White Shell, 1938 by O'Keeffe | Giclée Art Print
SKU: 13056-OKF
Original Size:76.2 x 92.7 cm
Museum of Fine Arts Houston USA
